The process is very easy to print your template at a local supply shop.  We recommend using the following office supply shops to print your templates.


-OfficeMax & Office Depot


-Your local office supply shop

The employees at these print shops are very familiar with the printing process and can help you make sure your design is printed to your liking.  

Watch this video or follow the steps below.

Step 1) Customize your file then click the Save Button

Step 2) Click the Download Button (When printing at home you want to select the PDF download option)

Leave everything pre-selected if there is only one template per page.

If there are multiple templates per page, you can select to "Show Trim Marks" option to help guide you when trimming your finished product.  "Show Bleed" will provide more room for error when trimming.

Step 3) Upload the file to a office supply shop

Visit your office supply shop's website and start your order.

Select the Document Printing Option

Select the Custom Project Option

Upload Your Template File

Select the type of paper and printing options then add to cart.

Review to ensure accuracy and checkout!

It's as easy as that!  Go pick up your new template at the office supply shop!