There are two ways to change the background.
1) Change the background to a solid color.
2) Change the background to a different image.
Follow the instructions in this video or follow the steps in the screen shots below:
Option 1: (Change the background to a solid color)
Click the (edit background) button:
Make sure the transparent box is left blank (Do not check this box)
Select the background color you would like & then click save:
Click the "layers" button:
Delete the existing background image:
You have now successfully changed the background!
OPTION 2 Change the background image to another image of your choice
Click the "layers" button
Select the background
Click the "replace image" button:
Find an image by clicking the arrow buttons in the bottom right, select an image for your background OR upload your own image. (You can easily google search an image you want and upload it here)
Stretch the image to fit the background:
You have now successfully changed the background!
More customizing tips for Corjl: